Following example demonstrates controling 2 Stepper motors using the ActiveWire Motor Control board.
Please refer to the wiring diagram below.
Please refer to ActiveWire Motor Control board document for more detail about the board.
Wiring above shows how to connect 2-phase Stepper motors using 2 outputs of Motor Contoller board.
Please select Device# at first.
Device# is the number sequentially assigned to each board by Windows operating system.
If you have only 1 board plugged into your system, Device# is 0.
If you have 2 boards plugged into your system, the first board is 0, the another is 1.
Click in the box below, type in a number, then click Open.
Now you can click on either of following radio button, then motor of your choice will follow your command.
Stepper #0 |
Speed High |
Neutral |
Below is a debug message.
If it says ERROR, check your hardware/software.
debug message :
If you see ActiveWire bitmap below, ActiveX control is loaded successfully.
If you see broken picture above, either ;
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or above is required. Download the latest from Microsoft web site.
Security setting of your Internet Explorer is preventing from loading ActiveX control. Choose View->Internet Option->Security, then set Local intra net zone security setting to Low.
ActiveX control is not installed in your system properly. Download AwusbIO.OCX, and follow instruction.
ActiveWire USB Windows Driver is not installed properly. Download RegClear.exe and try reinstall driver.